Welcome to Bright Future College for LAW
Ten Plus Two (+2) program in Law is a two years program offered by National Examination Board (NEB). If someone is seeking to start their career in the administrative/legal sector then a degree in Law provides the perfect platform for putting you on the right path. Law is the most exciting and most popular courses for both home and international students. It is an instrument to transform static society to dynamic. It is the means to translate the voice of people to access justice in society.

Law is an attractive subject and popular choice in any country because of its fantastic career prospects.  Nepal is not an exception. The history of the judicial system of Nepal has gone through various phases i.e. un- codified to codified laws: from kingdom to republic, from customary to legislative and From Janga Bhadur’s Muluki Ain to Nepal’s new criminal and Civil code 2075.

 For students who completed Grade 10 in the academic year 2079 and wish to enroll in Grade 11, the National Curriculum Development and Evaluation Council, in its meeting dated 2079.05.19, decided that students who have completed their Grade 10 studies at the secondary level and wish to continue to Grade 11 must have obtained a minimum average Grade Point (GPA) of 1.6 (one point six) in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) at the end of Grade 10. 

Job Prospects
Some potential area after having a law degree:

  1. Litigation/ advocacy
  2. Civil services
  3. Public prosecutor
  4. Legal secretaries
  5. Judiciary
  6. Research
  7. Politics
  8. Diplomats
  9. Academics
  10. Negotiation and conflict resolution
  11. Bank and financial institution
  12. NGO/INGO and many more.
  13. Entrepreneurship
  14. Curricular Structure

Curriculum Development Center has recently unveiled the new curriculum for class 11 and 12. The new curriculum has eliminated the system of particular stream-based education like Ten Plus Two Science, Management, Humanities, and so on.

Inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with confidence and enthusiasm.

Regular Class 11 and 12 Courses

Compulsory Subjects

Grade 11

S.N.  Class 11 Subjects and Code
1 Nepali [Nep. 001]
2 English Eng. 003
3 Social Studies and Life Skill [Sol. 005] Or Mathematics [Mat. 007]

Grade 12

S.N. Class 12 Subjects and Codes
1 Nepali [Nep. 002]
2 English [Eng. 004]
3 Social Studies and Life Skill [Sol. 006] Or Mathematics [Mat. 008]

Optional Subjects

Grade 11

S.N. Option I Option II Option III Option IV
1 Physics [Phy. 101] Biology [bio. 201] Chemistry [Che. 301] Mathematics [Mat. 401]
2 Accounting [Acc. 103] Education and Development [Ed. 203] Economics [Eco. 303] Applied mathematics [Ama.403]
3 Rural Development [Rd. 105] Geography [Geo. 205] Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 305] Business Mathematics [Bmt. 405]
4 Jurisprudence and Legal Theories [Jlt. 107] Procedural Law [Prl. 207] Marketing [Mar. 307] Human rights [Hur. 407]
5 Painting [Pai. 111] Sociology [Soc. 211] Gerontology and Care Taking Education [Gct. 309] Library and Information Science [Lis. 409]
6 Child Development and Learning [Cdl. 115] Ayurveda [Ayu. 213] Yoga [yog. 311] Home Science [Hos. 411]
7 Psychology [Psy. 119] Business Studies [Bus. 215] Vocal/Instrumental [Voc. 313] Environment Science [Ens. 413]
8 History [His. 121] Linguistics [Lin. 217] Sewing and Knitting [Sek. 315] General Law [Gel. 415]
9 Gender Studies [Ges. 123] Political Science [Pol. 219] Constitutional Law [Col. 317] Finance [Fin. 417]
10 Hospitality Management [Hom. 125] Philosophy [Phi. 221] Culinary Arts [Cua. 321] Co-operative management [Com. 419]
11 Agronomy [Agr. 127] Population Studies [Pos. 223] Culture [Cul. 323] Buddhist Studies [Bud. 421]
12 Naturopathy [Nat. 129] Horticulture [Hor. 225] Fashion Designing [Fad. 325] Sculpture [Scu. 423]
13 Human Value Education [Hve. 131] Food and Nutrition [Fon. 227] Film and Documentary [Fid. 327] Signing [Sig. 425]
14   Dance [Dan. 229] Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming [Lpf. 329] Computer Science [Com. 427]
15   Computer Science [Com. 231] Nepali [Nep. 331] Sericulture and Beekeeping [Sbk. 429]
16     English [Eng. 333] Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 431]
17     Maithili [Mai. 335] Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 433]
18     Newari [New. 337] Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 435]
19     Hindi [Hin. 339] Internal Decoration [Ind. 437]
20     Chinese Chi. [341] Hotel Management [Hom. 439]
21     German [Jer. 343] Mass Comunication [Mac. 441]
22     Japanese [Jap. 345] Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 443]
23     Korean [Kor. 347] Sports Science [Sps. 445]
24     Urdu [Urd. 349] Social Studies and Life Skills [Sol. 447]
25     Bhojpuri [Bhj. 351]  
26     French [Fre. 353]  
27     Hebrew [Heb. 355]  
28     Arabic [Are. 357]  
29     Sanskrit [San. 359]  
30     Applied Arts [Apa. 361]  

Grade 12

S.N. Option I Option II Option III Option IV
1 Physics [Phy. 102] Biology [bio. 202] Chemistry [Che. 302] Mathematics [Mat. 402]
2 Accounting [Acc. 104] Education and Development [Ed. 204] Economics [Eco. 304] Applied mathematics [Ama.403]
3 Rural Development [Rd. 106] Geography [Geo. 206] Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 306] Business Mathematics [Bmt. 406]
4 Nepalese Legal system [Nls. 110] Procedural Law [Prl. 207] Marketing [Mar. 308] Human rights [Hur. 408]
5 Painting [Pai. 112] Sociology [Soc. 212] Gerontology and Care Taking Education [Gct. 310] Library and Information Science [Lis. 409]
6 Instructional Pedagogy and Evaluation [Ipe. 118] Ayurveda [Ayu. 214] Yoga [yog. 312] Home Science [Hos. 412]
7 Psychology [Psy. 120] Business Studies [Bus. 216] Vocal/Instrumental [Voc. 314] Environment Science [Ens. 413]
8 History [His. 122] Linguistics [Lin. 218] Sewing and Knitting [Sek. 316] General Law [Gel. 416]
9 Gender Studies [Ges. 124] Political Science [Pol. 220] Constitutional Law [Col. 318] Finance [Fin. 417]
10 Hospitality Management [Hom. 126] Philosophy [Phi. 222] Culinary Arts [Cua. 322] Co-operative management [Com. 420]
11 Agronomy [Agr. 128] Population Studies [Pos. 224] Culture [Cul. 324] Buddhist Studies [Bud. 422]
12 Naturopathy [Nat. 129] Horticulture [Hor. 226] Fashion Designing [Fad. 326] Sculpture [Scu. 424]
13 Human Value Education [Hve. 132] Food and Nutrition [Fon. 228] Film and Documentry [Fid. 328] Signing [Sig. 426]
    Dance [Dan. 230] Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming [Lpf. 330] Computer Science [Com. 428]
    Computer Science [Com. 232] Nepali [Nep. 332] Sericulture and Beekeeping [Sbk. 430]
      English [Eng. 334] Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 432]
      Maithili [Mai. 336] Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 434]
      Newari [New. 338] Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 436]
      Hindi [Hin. 340] Internal Decoration [Ind. 437]
      Chinese Chi. [342] Hotel Management [Hom. 440]
      German [Jer. 344] Mass Comunication [Mac. 442]
      Japanese [Jap. 346] Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 444]
      Korean [Kor. 348] Sports Science [Sps. 446]
      Urdu [Urd. 350] Social Studies and Life Skills [Sol. 448]
      Bhojpuri [Bhj. 352]  
      French [Fre. 354]  
      Hebrew [Heb. 356]  
      Arabic [Are. 358]  
      Sanskrit [San. 360]  
      Applied Arts [Apa. 362]  

Old Syallabus

Grade XI

  1. Comp. English
  2. Comp.Nepali
  3. General Principles and Theories of Law
  4. Nepalese Legal System
  5. Constitutional Law and the Nepalese Constitution


Grade XII

  1. Comp. English
  2. Legal Drafting
  3. Procedural Law
  4. Civil law and Justice and Criminal Law and Justice
  5. Human Rights

The admission process for +2 Science at POV Bright Future College (assuming this is a fictional or example institution) generally follows a structured procedure. While the exact details can vary from year to year, the general steps for admission are as follows:

1. Eligibility Criteria

  • Completion of Secondary School: Students must have successfully completed their Class 10 (Secondary School) education with a minimum percentage of marks (this may vary by college).
  • Subject Requirements: Students must meet the specific subject requirements for Science (such as a strong background in Mathematics and Science subjects).

2. Application Form

  • Online or Offline Application: Students can fill out the admission form either online through the college website or by obtaining a physical form from the college office.
  • Required Documents:
  • Class 10 mark sheet and certificate
  • Passport-sized photographs
  • Birth certificate (if required)
  • Caste or category certificate (if applicable)
  • Any other documents requested by the college

3. Entrance Exam (if applicable)

  • Some colleges may conduct an entrance exam for admission to the +2 Science program. The exam typically tests students' knowledge in subjects like Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology), and English.
  • Eligibility for the Exam: Students are usually required to meet a minimum academic score to be eligible for the entrance test.

4. Merit List or Interview (if applicable)

  • Merit-Based Admission: Based on the marks obtained in Class 10 or the entrance exam, the college may prepare a merit list. Students who meet the cutoff score are shortlisted for admission.
  • Interview: In some cases, shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview or counseling session to assess their interest in the program and discuss their academic goals.

5. Fee Payment

  • Once selected for admission, students must submit the required tuition fees and other charges as part of the confirmation process.
  • Payment options may include bank transfer, online payments, or cash payments at the college office.
  • Students may also need to submit a fee receipt as proof of payment.

6. Document Verification

  • After payment, students must visit the college for document verification. This includes submitting original documents such as mark sheets, certificates, and identification proofs for verification before the final admission is granted.

7. Orientation Program

  • Upon successful admission, students may be required to attend an orientation program where they are introduced to the faculty, campus facilities, academic calendar, and college rules.
  • It’s also a great opportunity to meet fellow students and become familiar with college life.

8. Commencement of Classes

  • After completing all admission formalities, students can begin attending classes as per the academic schedule set by the college.

The admission process for +2 Science at POV Bright Future College typically involves meeting eligibility requirements, completing the application, possibly taking an entrance exam, submitting documents, and making fee payments. It's recommended to visit the college website or contact the admission office for the most accurate and updated details about the admission procedure for the current academic year.

Faculty Head Name (Mr. Kishwor Adikari)
designation ( Campus Chief)

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Class Time: 6:00am to 10:30am

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